How To Add a Creative Commons License to Your E-book

This tutorial is about licensing your E-book under a CC license. It’s always a good idea to check if you are actually creating your own work,–before you apply a license like this to it.

If I get my calculations correct, most authors around the world reserve all rights for their E-books. But I’m only reserving some rights for my work, and licensing it under a CC license.

All You Need Is the Following:

  • A word editing program on your computer, or cloud-based program such as: Google Docs via Google Drive (requires a Google Account), or any other word editing programs.
  • A computer running Linux a Chromebook, an Android phone or tablet, or any other computer that uses open-source programs.
  • A Draft2Digital account
  • A CC license code
  • Screen-reader (optional)

Let’s Start It Up!

First: Signup at Draft2Digital’s website, and create an account. Be sure to read their TOS before proceeding. Bookmark the site via your browser. Go to ‘My Account’ and Navigate to ‘Manage Payment methods;. Click ‘Add Payment Method’. Fill out the required fields, and hit the submit button. If you want to add payments later, skip this section, and come back to it later.

Second: Go to your Google drive and create your text document. If you are using a screen-reader to edit your work, make sure it’s working correctly.

Third: Type up your work. Start off with a title that is centered, and then place “By: [Your Name Goes here]” below the title in normal text,–don’t forget to place “copyright [year] by [Your name goes here] Some rights Reserved.” below your name.

Fourth: Go to the Creative Commons website after opening a new tab. Go to the license chooser. By default; Commercial use and modifications to your work. Don’t worry; your data isn’t stored in their system.

Fifth: Choose your license carefully. CC-BYSA international license is strongly reccommended for all creators. Avoid Using CC-BYND, CC-BYNCND, CC-BYND, and CC_BYNCSA. These licenses are problematic when publishing an E-book. After you selected a license, choose off-line works, check the terms after you selected a license.

Sixth: Copy the Given code and paste it under “Copyright [year] [Your name goes here] Some rights reserved.” Make sure it’s centered. Be sure to press enter 2 times to leave space for the CC-license statement.

You did it!! Your CC license is there.

Let’s start writing now!

You can write a short or long story. You can also add images to your work. It may take some time for your work to be completed. Long books takes longer time,–while the short book takes shorter time.

If you are done writing a book, be sure to check your spelling, and your chapters.

Let’s Get It Published

Go to your Draft2Digital account, and go to ‘My Books’ and hit the Add Book link, and the wizard will guide you through. Be sure to download your work as a .doc file from your Google Drive. That applies to your work what you just created. Hit the file selection link, or something similar. You’ll be prompted to choose a file.

Fill out the required fields, and choose a category where you want your book to be displayed. And hit the button, You’ll go to the next step.

At the layout wizard; you can generate any optional pages. Skip generating the copyright page, You can Generate a Title page if you want, If you had custom styles, skip this step of generating these pages. Be sure to check your Chapter layout.

After you are done; click the button to go to the next step.

View your formats on your machine. If you confirmed your work comes out good, hit the next button,–after you varified if you confirmed your layout is perfect.

At the publishing page. Set the price of your work. Or set as 0,00 if you want to publish your work as a free E-book,–if you just got started.

Choose your vendors.

A Note About Apple:

Most Apple iBooks are DRM-Protected. CC-license content should not be placed via any encrypted schemes. Creative Commons has condemned use of DRM as unnecessary.

Avoid choosing Scribd. This platform uses Book ID, the another form of DRM that prevents your CC-licensed book from being shared and reused. That’s why I removed my work from their platform.

If you’re not sure if Scribd is flooded with claims of copyright infringement,–caused by a flawed copyright-filtering system, look up Scribd Copyright infringement.

After you are done setting up your E-book, hit the button, the confirmation wizard will appear. Select one of them that applies to your work via license confirmation. And check the required box that confirms you agree to the Draft2Digital’s TOS.

Finally hit the publish button, and your work will be ready to be read by other people who are interested to read your book.

Why Choose Draft2Digital,–other than any other platforms?

Unlike other self-publishing platforms; you can easily implement a Creative Commons License to your ebook without a worry. And it’s totally simple to use for publishing content.

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Author: Fairy-Rider

Part of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy staff

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