How To Extend Your DRM-Free E-book projects & Why you should Allow open-source Communities To Reuse Them

I’m still working on my draft E-books. And I’m still extending my project That is DRM-Free. My goal is allow open-source communities to reuse them. This tutorial will show you how to extend your DRM-Free E-book project, and allow open-source communities to reuse them.

Earlier I’ve written a post about being a DRM-Free author when writing an E-book. Going DRM-Free frees readers from using expensive defective software when reading an E-book. I’ve thought twice,–before I written an E-book for the first time.

I’ve strongly recommended Draft2Digital because, it’s easier for anyone to use. DRM is turned off by default.

If you have 2 or more books what you are publishing. And you want them to be open-source; make sure you have the creative commons license applied on your custom copyright page. CC-BYSA is strongly recommended for all creators of all sizes.

The Free Software Foundation has condemned use of DRM as unnecessary. Smashwords has also condemned use of DRM as bad for our readers. You can read SmashWords’s blog post about it, but I’m not sure if their Self-publishing platform supports creative commons license. Adobe Inc. has DRM everywhere. If I were you, don’t sign up for any of Adobe’s services.

How to start extending your DRM-Free E-book Project

If you are currently publishing an E-book that is CC-licensed; be sure to inspect them. Varify if the licenses are valid.

As soon as your E-books are checked; be sure to sort them out in your folders on your computer, or online (recommended). If you are working on your project, be sure to Setup a copyright page with a CC-license statement. You might need to place a page,break after it.

After you set it up, write the main content of your book. Based on your work, it can take some time to write a story.

The longer your book, more time for a reader to read your work.

If you have images in your book, Make sure their CC-licensed.

Be careful when writing E-books that are designed for grown-ups. Some platforms won’t accept any form of an adult book. But some publishers didn’t even understand.

If you are done with your projects, it’s time to publish it, and spread the word about it. There’s many ways to do it. You can blog about your E-books by typing up highlights of your book, and placing links to your E-books that are sold by your desired distributor. Be sure to start a different blog for your highlights of your E-books,–that way, all of your data is sorted. Be sure to setup a sitemap for visitors who are visiting your site.

If your work is being reused for the first time, that means your community is about to know your work. It can take some time for your work to be discovered.

What If You Published Lots of Books That Are Open-Source With CC-license What You’ve Chosen?

Say if you have 200 books published, that’s a big volume of books what you have wrote! People might See your work as they use search engines to find it. If you have previews enabled, they can see a demo of your work, Setting it to 25% is usually recommended for most readers who want to purchase your work later on.

All you have to do just focus on writing interesting, unique, and original content.

If you keep publishing content what you are writing, you’ll grow your audience. Open-source content can be the trick.

If you can reach hundreds of E-books what you’ve published overall; and open-source communities has discovered your open-source work, others will create their own DRM-Free E-books that are open-source too!

Author: Fairy-Rider

Part of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy staff

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