How To Organize And Clean Up Your WordPress Multisite By Relocating Posts

You moved from Blogger all right; but you have lots of post that may be out of topic, but you want to fully make your sites relevant. I’ll show you how to organize and clean up your multi site.

Cleaning up your wordpress site after moving from Blogger is useful when you wanted to get full control of your site, and your content. but your newly established site is unpacked, and you’ve just moved in, but you need to choose which posts you want to keep on your main site, and choose which posts you want to move to subsites. Whether if you are a book-writing author; or a blogger who write multiple topics.

Choose one post at a time (method 1)

You may need to copy and paste your content from one site to the another. And open 2 tabs. 1 is your dashboard with a “Quick Draft section active, and the another tab with a post in question to move.

  1. Go through your primary site to grab your post. And go to the edit link at your desired post to move.
  2. Copy the title, switch tabs, and paste it to the title field of the draft section of your dashboard. Don’t activate the save button just yet.
  3. Switch back to a tab and copy all of the text in the text field. Don’t close the tab just yet.
  4. Switch back to a tab where you’re working with your post what you’re moving, and paste it in the large text field. Save it, and repeat the steps above.
  5. Assign, or create new categories for your posts.
  6. Go back to the posts what you’ve moving, and move these posts to the trash,–after you’ve confirmed you copied these posts successfully. Be sure to empty trash to clear up your resources on your website.
  7. Republish your posts on any of your desired subsites.
  8. Varify if your site is free of clutter, if your site is cleaned up sucessfully… you are done.

You can also edit your posts to fix errors if you want to.

Method 2

Use the export feature on your primary site, and import it to your subsite.

If your <–more–> tags has been converted to <a name=’more’></a> like this… you can replace it back to the original more tag. That only happens to posts exported from Blogger.


Be sure to varify if your posts were exported from a previous site to a new spot on your other site.

Be sure to delete content to prevent duplicate posts from effecting your site.


Be careful when moving posts. Think twice when planning on moving posts across your multisite.

If you have images; you may need to move them to a new place,–unless you have a central location where images are located.

If you have comments; they will be removed.

When moving posts; your existing links will break,–resulting a 404 error page ringing up!

You may need to resubmit your content to search engines to reindex your websites. It may take some time for your newly discovered content to be indexed.

Search Engine penalties may occur.

Author: Fairy-Rider

Part of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy staff

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