How To Start Believing In Fairies

Since 2005; I started believing in fairies as I moved from New York City to Kansas. I’ve been believing in fairies for the past 11 years. I’ll show you how you can start believing in fairies,–along with some potential obstacles you may encounter.

Believing in fairies is kind of fun all right, but you can believe in fairies via any age earlier than 14 or lower. Fairies come in many sizes. And depending on your culture… fairies can be featured as wish-granting fairies, fairy queens, or any kind of fairies.

Some people claimed fairies are real, and some people don’t! Although; there are some possibilities if fairies can exist or not.

Find any of your favorite TV shows on cable, or any TV service. There are many kinds of shows with fairies included, or find some books to read. You can go to library to find lots of books to read. Alternatively; if you have a home-based library; you can buy some books for your home. Here’s what you need to look for:

  • Books that are in the public domain,–not third party content written by corporations… such as the following:

    • Disney – May contain sexualized content
    • Dreamworks – May contain content that may NOT be suitable for children
  • Content that is free of sexual content.
  • Non-sexualized characters.

If none of the above is available at your local librarian; be sure to check with your librarian for assistance.


If you were planning on reading third party books published bia a corporation. You should only read these books from these corporations what you trust.

When starting to believing in fairies; be sure to take some free time with other people afterschool, or during the weekends. Don’t let anyone say “you’re too old for fairies” because, if they said this… they’re infringing your right to believe in fairies.

If you are at school, and you were at the playground, don’t let anyone bully you. If it ever happens… get help immediately! The bully will be removed from the playground by your teacher.

You can also drink tea, and watch movies that focused on fairies with your friends who believe in fairies too. Whether if you were studying about mythology as a class project, or as your homework, etc.


Overtime; your barberric behavior starts to go away. That enables you to adapt to new places with other people. If you refused to use foul words; its kind of like upgrading an OS on your computer.

You can write books about fairies, or write a website about fairies. It may take some time,–depending on your activity of believing in fairies.

This is my experience:

  • Ability to be focused on sports, tasks, and interact with other people.
  • Ability to make choices faster.
  • Write books faster.
  • Ability to take financial responsibility.
  • It’s easier to refuse to use foul words.


Overtime; you might not able to rememver what you’ve currently believing in. If this the case, try to write a log to keep track of your activities.

Although; this belief isn’t for certain people. If this is the case, contact your experienced mythology expert for more information about believing in fairies.


Dressing up like a fairy is common in some carnival events. There are many ways to dress up like a fairy.

If you imagined riding a large fairy to fly, be sure if your fairy is large enough to be ridden.

Always find some books that are focused on fairies. For example; communicating with fairies, working with fairies, and making wishes. Some fairies do grant wishes!


Be careful when finding books about fairies. Some books were infected with sexual content what you don’t want to look at. If this is the case… try to find the the another book. Alternatively; you can write your own book that feature fairies inside.

Watch out for third party content on TV… some corporations has allowed some fairies to be sexualized.

Author: Fairy-Rider

Part of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy staff

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