How to choose to drink tea over alcohol

Choosing not to drink alcohol is considered a smart choice. Whether if you were a teenager, adult, or child. Making smart choices is always a good idea to keep yourself out of these common problems. Sometimes people drink tea instead of alcohol.

What you should expect if you drink tea instead of alcohol?

Let’s say if you were going to a buffet or a restaurant with your date, your wife/husband, or your friend who is gathering together with you and your other friends… you were choosing something to eat on the menu. You chosen to drink tea that is hot or cold. At this case, I chosen to drink my tea hot because, I prefer to drink hot tea because, it’s kind of traditional, and classical. However; you discovered your other friends ordering wine, and other liquor. This is kind of bad for them. You’re the only person who is drinking tea. But what about your primary date or wife/husband…

If a couple chooses to drink tea as a smart choice, and they pass it down to children; smart choices will reach future generations of our children of the world.

If you were a highschooler who is about to graduate during the prom event… for example; you had a date for your prom dinner. You encouraged her to drink tea instead of liquor. It is a good choice all right, but it can take some time. You can practice doing this trick if you chosen to stay sover without alcohol. You can compare other choices what your other students.

If you were a parent who drinks tea; some kids will learn from you. But it can take lots of time for them to do smart choices.

How to choose tea instead of liquor at your local restaurant?

As you order your food… ask your waiter/waitress for a cup of tea that is either hot or cold. Be sure to tell him/her you’re NOT going to accept anyone spiking your drink with any kind of liquor. This is useful if you were quitting alcohol because, you heard of a news about a drunk driver who has your family member injured, or killed during the crash; you were recently ordered NOT to consume any alcohol via probation; or you were just opting out of drinking liquor.

Choose which tea you want to drink. Green, black, and other kinds of tea are available!

This is useful if you want to prevent yourself from drinking alcohol.

Once your tea is served to you… drink your tea as you enjoy your meal. Be careful NOT to let anyone spike your beverage. If you suspected your beverage is spiked with liquor; contact customer service, for a replacement. A person who is responsible for spiking your beverage will be liable for putting you at risk. Your waiter/waitress will help you get your drink replaced.

What happens if you chosen liquor?

If you chosen liquor; you are actually making a bad choice. You’re aren’t able to think right when drinking,–especially if you were doing this during any event. Untold; many people has been involved in drunk driving after drinking alcohol. Ignition interlock devices were designed to prevent anyone from driving drunk. If all vehicles have them installed… that will be a powerful life-saving device that will reduce drunk driving for good!

If for some reason… you can’t drink tea; you can substitube tea with fruit juice, or coffee, or any hot beverage that will be an alternative.

The Verdict

Choosing to drink tea is a smart choice to me because, I don’t want to support the liquor industry. Being drunk is bad, and you can go to prison for public intoxication, DUI of Alcohol, and more.

Drinking alcohol is NOT smart at all!

Author: Fairy-Rider

Part of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy staff

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